568 Main Street, Athol, MA, 01331
(978) 249-9515
Athol Public Library
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The Library’s Move Back to 568 Main St. 2013
A sneak peek at the unpacking progress of the newly renovated library.
ATAC packing up the YA library.
Castine Movers from Athol has successfully moved 55,000 books and other Athol Public Library furniture and materials back to the renovated library.
Children’s Library Staff Member, Sam, getting ready to pack.
Hooray for Brenda, packing the non-fiction!
Karen and her box tower!
Killian and Virginia, members of ATAC packing up the YA books.
Lennon & Brian packing up the YA books for the move back to 568 Main Street.
Marie hard at work boxing up some of the Fiction books.
Packing up books for the move back to 568 Main Street, November 2013.
Robin B. is packing up the fiction books to get ready for the move back to the library, November 2013.
The newly renovated Carnegie section of the library photo curtesy of Tom Mann.
Where is Biblio now? Here he is enjoying the view from the windows in the new teen area.
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