Program: Storm Water Then & Now

Tues. May 26 @ 6:30 p.m.

Storm Water Then and Now program offers historical approach to local stormwater management

The Athol Public Library and the Millers River Watershed Council are sponsoring a free public program on Tuesday, May 26th, about how the region has dealt with storm water issues over the past one hundred years.

The program, entitled Storm Water Then and Now, will begin at 6:30pm at the Athol Library, 568 Main Street.

The program will feature presentations by Bill Mehr, a natural  
resource specialist with the US Army Corps of Engineers at Tully Lake, and MRWC coordinator Ivan Ussach.

The program is the first in a series developed with funding received  
from the state's PARC grant program, and will include innovative storm water features recently installed as part of the Library's renovation  
and expansion.

Please call Carol Ambrozy for information: 978-249-7304
Speaker - Ivan Ussach - Millers River Watershed Council

Free and Open to the Public.

Posted: to Athol Library News on Tue, May 26, 2015
Updated: Tue, May 26, 2015