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Dear PC Doctor:
I have a kindle. You know how the image rotates when you turn the screen sideways? Is there a way to stop that? Sometimes, I don’t want the picture to rotate.
Thanks, Faith
Dear Faith:
You didn’t mention which generation kindle you have but you can fix the image orientation on any kindle. If you have an older version with keyboard buttons across the bottom, press the button next to the space bar. It looks like a big capital A next to a little capital A. You’ll get a menu offering several fixed screen orientations. Choose the one you like.
If you have a Kindle Fire HD or HDX, you can “lock” the screen to keep it from rotating the image or book you are looking at when you turn the device sideways. To do this, go to your Home screen. Slide down the bar at the top of the screen. You should get a menu with choices such as “Unlocked,” “Volume,” “Brightness,” etc. (On some earlier versions of the Kindle Fire, you will need to tap the little gear or cog image in the upper right of the screen to access this menu.) Tap “Unlocked” so that it now reads “Locked.” That should fix the position of the images you view.
Until next time… Happy Computing!
PC Doctor
Posted: to Athol Library News on Fri, Jun 5, 2015
Updated: Fri, Jun 5, 2015