Friends of the Athol Public Library Book Sale

Help us spring clean! Tuesday, 4/19.

The Friends of the Athol Public Library will be having an all-day book sale on Tuesday, April 19th!  The sale begins when the library opens at 9:30 and will continue into the evening.
Special:  Purchase a green cloth bag for $2.00 and fill it with used books for free!
Or, purchase a decorative plastic bag for $1.00 and fill it for free!
We have quite a large variety of books for sale:  fiction, non-fiction, mysteries, craft books, cookbooks, large print books, paperbacks, audiobooks and children's items.  We will also have some 'like-new' games for sale!
Complimentary Friends of the Library can cozies will be given to all patrons on the day of the sale, while supplies last.
Funds raised by the Friends of the Library support programs and materials for teens, children and adults.
Thank you to all of our wonderful donors and volunteers!
Following the book sale, everyone is invited to our Friends Annual Meeting at 6:00, to be followed by "Five Secrets to Success for a Great Garden," presented by Deb Habib of the Seeds of Solidarity Farm and Education Center.
See you there!

Posted: to Athol Library News on Thu, Apr 14, 2016
Updated: Wed, Apr 20, 2016