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Dear PC Dr:
I have an iPhone but I pretty much never use Siri. I guess I just don’t really know what it does. What does it do?
Dear Jenna:
Siri is Apple’s voice assistant, and it is actually part of every new Apple machine now, not just phones. You can ask Siri questions, to set reminders, to locate your emails from a particular person, to find photos of your vacation, to make a phone call, etc. You can even ask Siri to find your password for a service you’ve subscribed to. If you want to learn more, you can ask Siri: “What can you do?” and you will get a list of options. You can also visit this website: https://support.apple.com/siri
I hope this helps!
Until next time,
Happy computing!
PC Doctor
Editor's Note: Questions should be directed to PC Doctor, care of the Athol Public Library, info@athollibrary.org or Athol Public Library, 568 Main St., Athol, Mass. 01331, or dropped off at the library
Posted: to Athol Library News on Wed, Apr 6, 2022
Updated: Mon, Apr 11, 2022