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Dear PC Doctor:
I want to create an invitation to my party and share it on Facebook, but I don’t want everyone to see it, only my guest list. I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings by having them see it and know they weren’t invited. Can I make a Facebook event that only the people I invited will know about?
Dear Pat:
Yes, you can.
First, create your Facebook event. Log in to your account. Then, click “Create” from the menu along the top. Choose “Event.” Enter the event time, date, location, and a description. Choose an image for the banner across the top of your event. Toward the bottom of the page, you will see a button that reads “Create Private Event.” You will be taken to the next page, from which you can select the invitees. Once your event is created, look for the word “Edit” toward the top of your event page. Be sure to un-check the box that reads “Guests can invite friends.”
According to the Facebook help site, your event is now visible only to the people you invited. People who are invited can view the event description, photos, discussion posts, and videos.
Until next time,
Happy Computing!
PC Doctor
Editor's Note: Questions should be directed to PC Doctor, care of the Athol Public Library, info@athollibrary.org or Athol Public Library, 568 Main St., Athol, Mass. 01331, or dropped off at the library.
Posted: to Athol Library News on Fri, Aug 17, 2018
Updated: Fri, Aug 17, 2018