PC Doctor November 29, 2013

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Dear PC Doctor:

Sometimes it seems like my internet loads really slowly when I first turn it on.  I don’t think it’s my internet service, as it gets better over time as I am browsing the web.   Do you have any ideas for how I can improve my starting speed?

      Thank you, Bob


Dear Bob:

It might be that your start up page is slow to load.   Does it have a lot of images?  If so, you may be able to speed the start up by changing your start page in your browser.

To do this in Internet Explorer 7 or 8, simply go to the page you want to make your home page and click on the arrow to the right of the picture of the little house.  Click on 'Add or change Home page' and select 'Use this webpage as your only home page.'

In Firefox, navigate to the page you want as your home page, click on the icon to the left of the web address and drag it to the 'Home' toolbar button right next to it. Click 'Yes' to confirm.

If you have chosen a home page that has fewer graphics and video, you should see an improvement in your initial browser loading speed.

Until next time… Happy Computing!

      PC Doctor

Posted: to Athol Library News on Sun, Dec 1, 2013
Updated: Sun, Dec 1, 2013