568 Main Street, Athol, MA, 01331
(978) 249-9515
Athol Public Library
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Library Move to Senior Center 2012
Almost there!
APL Staff Member, Emily
Biblio moves into the Childrens Library
Children’s Room is unpacked
Childrens Staff pack up the Archives Room
David Hall volunteered to help pack books
Deb Blanchard, Library Director leads the parade
Decorated for packing!
Disassembling boxes
Donna Poor volunteered her time
Fiction is unpacked
Finished unpacking Non Fiction
Flora during the unpacking phase
Gathering Shopping Carts Ocean State donated!
Getting ready for Shopping Cart Parade
Getting the Teen Space ready
Hannafords & Ocean State loaned us carts
Hard at work to finish un-boxing books
Heavy lifting workout!
Here comes the parade
Here comes the Skinner Family
Horse trailers were donated to transport carts
Just before the Shopping Cart Parade
Kicking off the library move with a cart parade
Kids got balloons & freeze pops for their hard work
Library staff during unpacking phase
Loading up the elevator
Marie & Tom hard at work moving a heavy shelf?!?
Methodist Churchs serve the staff & volunteers lunch
Packing the staff room
Packing up odds and ends
Packing up public computers
Parade end at the Senior Center
Pete’s Tire Barn donated trucks
Putting together some shelves
Robin S. is making boxes to pack up the books for the move back.
Sheriff Lewis Evangelidis, & Town Officials
Shopping Cart Parade
Shopping Cart Parade
Shopping Cart Parade
Shopping Cart Parade
Shopping Cart Parade- July 2012
Starretts let us use space for storage
Starting to look like a library
Teen Space is unpacked
Thank you for the delicious food
Thanks for the help everyone
Thanks United Methodist Churches of Athol
The Post Office graciously donated boxes
The Skinner Family is happy to help
Unpacking books
Unpacking Fiction books
Volunteers Doug Wessel & Tom Ziniti help move items to our temporary location
We have such generous volunteers!
Where did the shelves go?
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