Take your shelfie at the Athol Public Library
What's a shelfie?
It's a picture of YOU: Reading, in your favorite reading spot, with a favorite book, or in your favorite place within the Athol Library!
You could could even visit the library and take a shelfie with fun props in our adorable photo booth!
Don't have a camera? Don't worry -- ask a member of the staff to snap your photo.
Send us a shelfie and caption it -- What are you reading? What do you love about the library?
We'll share your shelfie on the Athol Public Library facebook page!
Shelfies can be sent to info@athollibrary.org or sent in a facebook
message to Athol Public Library.
Thanks and happy reading!
Posted: to Athol Library News on Thu, Feb 12, 2015
Updated: Thu, Feb 12, 2015