PC Doctor May 29, 2015

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Dear PC Doctor:
          I’m applying for a lot of jobs.  Most of them are online applications but some are PDFs that can’t be edited.  I have to print the form, fill it out by hand, scan it, and e-mail it in.  It’s so frustrating!  I’m worried, too, that my handwriting doesn’t look good enough.  Is there some trick to making PDF forms editable so I can type in my answers?
Dear Bryce:
           If you have Adobe Reader X, you can take a PDF form and fill in the blanks.  First, download Adobe Reader X.  It’s free.  (Make sure to do this from a site you trust.)
            Download the PDF file you need to use.  Open Adobe Reader X.  The first screen you see will ask you what file you want to open.  Choose the job application.  It will open in Adobe Reader. 
            Over on the upper right hand side of the screen, click on the “Sign” menu.  You will get a box headed “Fill & Sign.”  Click the “Add Text” button.  Place your cursor wherever you need to enter your information.  Type as you would on any other text document.  When you are done, go to the “File” menu at the top left.  Choose “Save As,” give the document a name, and save it to your desktop or flash drive, or wherever you want to save it.
            Now, you can attach it to an e-mail and send it in, nicely typed and easy to read.  Best of luck to you in your job search!
Until next time… Happy Computing!
          PC Doctor