PC Doctor September 4, 2015

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Dear PC Doctor:

            I use Hotmail.  My daughter set it up for me a few years ago and, for some reason, she used her name.  So, whenever people get e-mail from me, their in-box shows a message from her.  It doesn’t matter with people who know us – they know it’s me.  I’m using e-mail more often now and for more official kinds of things.  I think the name people see when they receive a message should probably be mine.  How do I fix this?  I don’t want to have to get a new e-mail account.

            Thanks, Sandra


Dear Sandra:

            A while back, Microsoft phased out the ‘Hotmail’ name and transferred all Hotmail accounts over to Outlook.com.  These instructions should work with your web-based Outlook e-mail.  It should only take you a few minutes.

            First, sign into your Outlook.com account.  Look on the far right of your e-mail screen.  You will see your name (or the name your daughter put on the account).  Click on the name.  You will see a list of choices.  Third down on the list will be ‘edit profile.’  Click ‘edit profile.’  You’ll see a screen with the name, the photo you have associated with your account, and some other information about yourself.  Next to the name, (at the top of the screen), you will see ‘edit.’  Click ‘edit.’  Enter the name that you want people to see when they receive e-mail from you.  Next, click ‘Save.’  Done!


Until next time…Happy Computing!


            PC Doctor

Posted: to Athol Library News on Fri, Sep 4, 2015
Updated: Fri, Sep 4, 2015