PC Doctor October 16, 2015

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Dear PC Doctor:

            I recently purchased a new laptop with Windows 8, which I dislike.  It is so touchy that the slightest movement on my part causes the zoom to either enlarge to where you have one letter on a page or the reverse where it's so small you can't see it hardly at all.
            There must be a way to lock the zoom.  I like it at 125%.  I've tried everything I can think of but it still keeps zooming all over the place. Please help!!  It is very time consuming to stop, find the zoom, move it back, type a minute, and do it all again.

            Thanks for your help. Dave


Dear Dave:

            That does sound frustrating! Here is something you can try:


            Tap the windows logo key on your keyboard and type “Control Panel.” Then, click on “Control Panel” on the start screen.  (In Windows 7 you can also click on “Start” and then “Control Panel”)  In the Control Panel, click on “Appearance and Personalization.”  Then, click on “Display.”  You will see a section labeled, Change the size of all items. Click on the size you want, (medium or large), then click “Apply.”


            You may have to log out of your account and log back in to see the changes.


            If this doesn’t work, you may also try disabling your ‘swipe to zoom’ function.  To do this, again tap the windows logo and type “Control panel.”  Under “Synaptics,” open “Touchpad Options.”  Choose “Disable Swipe to Zoom.”


Until next time … Happy Computing!


          PC Doctor

Posted: to Athol Library News on Fri, Oct 16, 2015
Updated: Fri, Oct 16, 2015