It Pays to Read!

Teens, read off your Athol Library overdue fines during February vacation.

Are you a young person (aged 11- 21) with overdue fines on your Athol Library card?  Now you can reduce your fines by reading the books, magazines, manga and other stuff you love!

Sign in at the upstairs circulation desk and have your start time 
recorded.  Read in increments of a half hour or more where a librarian can observe you and check in when you're done.  Teens may reduce their overdue fines by $2.00 for each half hour they read while in the library.  Up to 1 ½ hours a day!

For ages 11 - 21 only.
Bills for lost or damaged items are not included in this program.
This program will run from February 16 - 19, during school vacation.

For more information, please call 978-249-9515.