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Dear PC Doctor:
What is C Cleaner? Will I lose all my files if I use it? I have a Windows 7 Dell computer.
Signed, Anonymous
Dear Anonymous:
C Cleaner is a utility for computers running Microsoft Windows that cleans out the temporary files, broken shortcuts, etc., that accumulate on your computer as you use it. The idea is that it finds and deletes useless files. It cleans your browsing history and temporary internet files.
C Cleaner can clean unneeded files from various programs freeing up hard disk space, remove unneeded entries in the Windows Registry, help you uninstall software and select which programs start with Windows.
When you use C Cleaner, you choose the types of data you want to delete. First, it runs an analysis, and then you get to look over a list of what the program might remove. You will have an opportunity to choose what gets deleted and what gets kept. Just in case, it’s a good idea to have a back up of everything that is important to you.
Until next time,
Happy Computing
PC Doctor
Posted: to Athol Library News on Fri, Mar 11, 2016
Updated: Tue, Mar 15, 2016