Summer Reading for Adults 2016
June 14 - August 31. For every book you read this summer you have a chance to win our weekly raffle.
Summer Reading
for Adults
Summer Reading isn’t just for kids!
Grown-ups love to read, too, and
we also love to WIN PRIZES!
we also love to WIN PRIZES!
For every book you read this summer, stop in to the library and fill out a raffle ticket with your name, phone number, and the title of the book.
We’ll draw 2 winners every week!
Winners will get to choose a prize from our
June 14 – August 31
This year’s theme is
“Exercise Your Mind, READ!”
We’ll highlight books and programs that promote health and wellness.
Included in our adult summer activities are art, writing, and cooking –
to get you making, thinking, and healthy!
7/12: Make a Glass Pendant
7/13 & 7/27: Poetry Workshop
7/19: An Evening with Illustrator Gary Lippincott
7/26: Lunch & Listen – Music in the Park
8/16: Herbs – Cooking and Preservation with Cristina of the Farm School
* Registration Required for some programs; please call 978-249-9515 to register