Information about the Anime Club Web Forum & the Halloween Party on November 1, 2016.
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The anime club has been revived! The revival of the anime club comes with two new services we're providing for the club members. We now have an Anime Club Facebook page and an Anime Club Web Forum! Both sites are managed by the Athol Public Library staff and provide a safe and friendly environment for all anime club members.
The anime club is open for anyone between grades 6 and 12. Club monthly meetings will take place on the first Monday of each month from4:45 PM to 5:30 PM. Any further club activities will be posted and advertised.
The monthly meetings will consist of group discussion about club activities that will take place during that month. It is important for club members to attend this meeting so that they know what to expect for club activities. Activities may range from anime showings, cosplay days, learning origami, learning Japanese or Korean, discovering more about the Japanese culture through food exploration, and more!
Posted: to Athol Library News on Mon, Oct 17, 2016
Updated: Mon, Oct 24, 2016