PC Doctor September 15, 2010

Have your computer questions answered here! Search the PC Doctor archive or submit a question of your own at info@athollibrary.org

Dear PC Doctor:

            My mother lives in an apartment attached to my house and she has taken some computer classes and would like to get her own computer.  I bought a new laptop and set up a wireless connection with my old desktop so that I can use it anywhere in the house.  Could I give her my old desktop and still use the wireless?



Dear Tom:

            Since you are in the same house I’m guessing that the signal would be strong enough.  What you could do is take the laptop over to your mom’s and see if it would connect from her place.  If it is satisfactory, then you should be able to flip flop the computer/laptop.  If it is not strong enough, you might want to upgrade the router to wireless-G, checking with the sales clerk to make sure that your laptop will accept it.

            You also have to make sure that your mom leaves the router on for you to connect to.

            PC Doctor

Dear PC Doctor:

            I notice on my new computer that there is a Quick Launch feature.  What is that for?



Dear Toni:

            It is a handy way to quickly access your programs without having to go to the Start menu to search for icons on the desktop.  You can see if your Quick Launch is enabled by looking at the right hand side of the taskbar which runs along the bottom of your screen. If you don’t see anything there, here is how to enable it. 

            On a blank area of the taskbar, right click.  From the drop down menu, choose Toolbars and then Quick Launch.  When you click it on it, a check mark will show up.  You should now see the icons showing up to the right of the Start button.

            PC Doctor

Best deal of the week at the Athol Public Library!  We were very fortunate to be chosen by Senior Service America and Catholic Charities to have a one-on-one computer aide at the library to assist you in learning how to use the computer.  Local resident Jackie Hamilton is available by appointment from 10-2 Monday through Friday.  You can call the library 978-249-9515 or stop by and leave your name.  Jackie will call you back and set up a time to meet with you.  This is a free service for first time computer users.  You can work with her on a particular issue such as how to get an email address or take a series of classes with her called Generations On Line for which you will get a certificate of completion at the end.  Thanks to TD Banknorth for a donation which purchased a brand new HP computer for Jackie to work with you on.

Until next time….happy computing!

Posted: to Athol Library News on Wed, Sep 15, 2010
Updated: Wed, Sep 15, 2010