New: Health & Law Resources on the Athol Library Website

NEW resources are featured on our Services page.

Start at our homepage, Click the tab that says Search at the top menu of the website and you will find these resources. Or just click HERE and scroll down to find them.


MedlinePlus - The National Institute of Health's website produced by the National Library of Medicine..

PubMed - PubMed comprises more than 26 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books.  Citations may include links to full-text content from PubMed Central and publisher websites.

Partners in Information Access for the Public Health Workforce - A collaboration of U.S. government agencies, public health organizations and health sciences libraries.


Massachusetts Court System - The official website of the Massachusetts Judicial Branch. The MA court system consists of the Supreme Judicial Court, the Appeals Court, the Executive Office of the Trial Court, the seven Trial Court departments, the MA Probation Service, and the Office of Jury Commissioner.

Ask a Law Librarian - This resource offers six different ways to ask a Law Librarian questions through text messaging, online chat, instant messaging, email, and telephone.

Mass Legal Help - Massachusetts legal aid programs put together this website to help you find practical information about your legal rights in Massachusetts.

Legal Information Institute - Open access to Law information and several different legal resources through Cornell Law School.

Posted: to Athol Library News on Thu, Jan 5, 2017
Updated: Fri, Jan 6, 2017