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Dear PC Doctor:
I want to transfer a bunch of my CDs to my phone so that I can listen to all my music on the go. How do I do that?
Dear Fred:
If you have a PC, you can do this in multiple steps using Windows Media Player. If you have an Apple, use iTunes. Open Windows Media Player or iTunes and put your CD into your computer’s CD drive.
If you are using Windows Media Player, click the “Rip CD” button. This will copy the music files onto your computer.
Once the music is on your PC, plug your phone into the computer using the USB cable that came with your phone. Follow the prompts you see on your screen. Click to Sync and drag the songs that you want on your phone over to the sync area on your computer screen. Click “Start Sync.” The music will transfer to your phone.
If you are using an Apple computer and iTunes, click “Yes” when the “Import All Songs” window appears. If you only want some of the songs, uncheck the box next to the song titles you don’t want. Click “Import CD.” The songs will be added to your iTunes library.
Once the music is in your iTunes library, connect your phone to the computer with the USB cable that came with it. Select the songs that you want to have on your phone and drag them over to your phone, which should be visible in the sidebar.
Note: It is legal to make one copy of a music CD that you personally have purchased and own. It is illegal to do this with a CD that you have borrowed from a friend or another source. It is also not legal to share the copied music files that you legitimately own with someone else. For more information on this, please see Title 17, United States Code, Sections 501 and 506.
Until next time,
Happy Computing!
PC Doctor
Posted: to Athol Library News on Fri, Jun 23, 2017
Updated: Fri, Jun 23, 2017