PC Doctor July 21, 2017

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Dear PC Doctor: 

My PC is getting full.  I’d like to delete some stuff but don’t know where to start.  Do you have any advice? 




Dear Brian:

Go to the Start Menu on your computer.  (For Windows 7, that’s the orb at the bottom left of your screen.)  In the Search programs and files box, type size:gigantic.  Your search results will show you all the files that are bigger than 128 MB.  Take a look and see if any of those are unnecessary.  If you truly don’t need them, you can delete them.  That should free up some space!  If you want to free up more space, you can search for size:huge (16-128 MB), size:large (1-16MB), size:medium (100 KB-1 MB), size:small (10-100KB), and size:tiny (0-10 KB).  Just make sure you don’t delete anything important!

Until next time,
Happy Computing!

    PC Doctor

Posted: to Athol Library News on Fri, Jul 21, 2017
Updated: Fri, Jul 21, 2017