PC Doctor November 19, 2009

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 Dear PC Doctor,

   I've been running into some issues regarding virtual memory on my computer. I have had trouble downloading AVG anti-virus software, and I only finally managed to complete the download after raising my virtual memory. My question is, how do I know when I've raised the memory too much?  I now have it set at 600-650.  I was frequently getting Windows alerts that they were raising my virtual memory.  I had to go this high to complete my download. I'm running windows XP and I have Verizon Broadband, and Internet Explorer. Thanks!
Dear Audrey,
    Glad to hear you were able to download the AVG software. It's odd that your Virtual Memory was that low, but not necessarily that unusual. Windows can seem to have a mind of its own sometimes. As far as how high you can set your Virtual Memory; the only limit you have is the size of your hard drive. Virtual Memory is a form of extra memory, used only when your actual built in memory (RAM) is currently all in use. Since the regular memory (RAM) is "full," Virtual Memory will utilize available space on your hard drive. Thus as long as you have the room on your hard drive, you can pretty much safely set your Virtual Memory at any level you choose. But setting your Virtual Memory super high is not needed whatsoever, as it can't effectively use that much space. Plus it will only take up space better used for saving files and programs. A rule of thumb is to set your Virtual Memory at 1.5 times the amount of your physical RAM. So say you have 512MB of RAM, then 768MB is the level you will want to set your Virtual Memory.
To find how much physical RAM you have installed in your computer open the Start Menu and right-click "My Computer." From the drop-down menu click "Properties." Under the "General" tab you will find the amount of RAM installed into your computer. I'm guessing since you're running Windows XP, that you probably have at least 512MB of RAM, and there is good chance you have more. If you have at least 512MB, you can definitely raise your Virtual Memory level higher from its current 600-650 range. I personally would recommend selecting the "System managed size" option, which is found under the same window where you changed the Virtual Memory range, because this allows Windows to raise or lower how much space to use, as needed. However, if you were running into the issues when this setting was selected, then go ahead and set it manually. Hope this helps! 
PC Doctor
Dear PC Doctor,
    A few weeks back you told your readers how to block an application from showing up on your Facebook wall. My problem is just the opposite I blocked an application when I first got my account and now use the application. I would like to be able to collect some of the "gifts" from other users of the application. How do I unblock an application from my wall? 
Dear Danielle,
    You actually want to reverse it!? Just kidding!! I actually recently unblocked a Facebook app as well, Mafia Wars. I succumbed to my friend's pressure to play. Terrible I know! Fortunately it's a quick fix to reverse the block. Just search for the application's home page via Facebook's search box. Once you have the home page open, look to the upper left-hand corner. There should be a "Remove block for application" option right under the application's icon. Simply click the option and follow the prompts given to you by Facebook.
PC Doctor
PC Doctor's tip of the week:
    Want to keep up with all the action of the Athol Public Library? Follow the library on Twitter!!  Check out www.twitter.com/athollibrary. Don't have a twitter account? It's really easy to sign up! All you need is access to an internet connection and an email address. Go to www.twitter.com to sign up today! Visit the Athol Public Library for more info and help!
Until next time… happy computing!

Posted: to Athol Library News on Fri, Nov 20, 2009
Updated: Tue, Nov 24, 2009