If you would like a question answered about the Athol Public Library expansion/renovation project, please email info@athollibrary.org or send to: 568 Main Street, Athol, MA 01331 and we’ll answer your question in a future column!
Question: I heard the former town treasurer talk about some current town projects being finished; can you tell me what those are?
Yes, in 2012 the borrowing for the Landfill will be paid off as will the Police station phase one project. The amount a taxpayer was paying for those two items has been factored into the amount on the available sheet “What Will This Cost ME?” that can be obtained at the Library or online at www.athollibrary.org by following the link to the Campaign 4 Athol Library on Facebook or at the Friends library project website www.athollibraryproject.org. Find the cost of your property and you will see amounts listed for monthly and quarterly (depending on how you pay your tax bill). The amount listed is what will be added to your bill for the 5 year period.
Question: The biggest problem I have with using the library is that I can never find a place to park. Are there any plans to fix that?
Yes, the proposed project will include property donated in a free long term lease from the L.S. Starrett and adjacent land purchased by the Library Trustees that will provide over 80 parking spots, 50 of which will be dedicated library parking. There will also be six handicapped spots and special parking for energy efficient vehicles as part of the LEED certification. In addition there will be a drive-up book drop which will be a great bonus to those just wanting to drop off materials.
Question: I’m planning on showing up to the polls to vote!
Unfortunately unless you are currently a registered voter, you won’t be able to do that. The good news is that you still have time to become a registered voter by going to the town clerk’s office at Town Hall by March 15th. You must be 18 years of age, a U.S. citizen and a resident of Massachusetts. It’s easy to do, just bring a picture form of identification.
If you are not going to be in town or are unable to get to the polls on April 4 Election day, you can also get an absentee ballot from the town clerk but you must do that by March 31st. Call or stop by the town clerk’s office to do this.
Again the voting date is April 4th.
Posted: to Athol Library News on Thu, Mar 3, 2011
Updated: Thu, Mar 3, 2011