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Dear PC Doctor,
My cousin recently visited along with his laptop. He was able to simply connect to my wireless network, no questions asked. I noticed that it says "unsecured network" or something along those lines. Is that bad for my network?
Dear Andy,
Actually what it means is that you don't have a password requirement to log onto your network. If someone wants to hack onto your network, this is a perfect way to do it. Fortunately you can easily put a password on for your added protection. It just means that in order for other users to access the network, such as your cousin, you will have to give them the password.
Go to the Start button and choose Control Panel. Find and select the Network Connections icon and you should then see your Wireless Network Connection. Double click on it and then open the support tab. Next to "default gateway" you should see a number that starts with 192.168 which is the address of your wireless router. Make a note of that number, and either commit it to memory or store a paper copy of it in a safe place. Close out of the boxes.
Now to log onto your wireless router you need to open up Internet Explorer. In the address bar where you would normally type in www.athollibrary.org or a web address, instead type in your "default gateway" number that you just previously found (192.168.***.*). Now press the enter key. Your computer will search for your router and present you with a log in screen, where you can type in your router's username and password. This should be either in your manual for the router and given to you by your Internet provider if they installed it (if not call them to find out).
Once you have successfully logged in, you will be presented with several sections of settings for your router. Because various router brands can be set up a little differently, you'll need to look around for the administrator section. When you find the administrator section, open it and then look for the password field. Go ahead, and create a password. Try to keep the password at least 8 characters long, and try to mix in some numbers or symbols. This will ensure a level of difficulty if someone tries to crack it, so as to log onto your network. Save the settings, and exit from the router's homepage. Your wireless network should now be secured, giving you control of who accesses the network. If you wish you can now charge an exuberant fee to all who desire access to your network!! Though you should consider giving your cousin a family discount, but hey, it's up to you. Enjoy your newly secured wireless network. Safe computing!
PC Doctor
Posted: to Athol Library News on Fri, Dec 11, 2009
Updated: Fri, Dec 11, 2009