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Dear PC Doctor,
I run a small retail business and I have a Facebook page for my business. I've been successful posting deals on the Facebook and getting customers into the store. However, my designer often creates fliers in PDF form for publicity. This is problem since I can't figure out how to upload PDF's to Facebook. Instead, I have to ask him to send me a jpeg which I'm just able to upload to Facebook as an image in a set. Is there a way to upload PDF's to Facebook?
Dear Greg,
I've searched, but it doesn't seem like you are able to upload a PDF file directly to Facebook. This is probably to prevent people from uploading nasty stuff. You can however, upload your PDF file to a file sharing site, like Issuu.com and then share the file on Facebook. You can even log into Issuu with your Facebook credentials which makes the sign-up and sharing even faster and pain-free. After you upload the file to your Issuu account, select it and hit the “Share” button. Among the options for sharing is the Facebook icon. Click on that and if you’re logged into your Facebook account, a new window should appear which will allow you to post the file to your wall. It will even include a thumbnail preview of the file. There are plenty of file-sharing websites out there, but I found Issuu to be one of the easiest to use. Look around and try more to find one that works best for you!
PC Doctor
Dear PC Doctor,
I have somewhat of trivial request. I just set up two monitors for my desktop PC and while they're both working well, I have one issue, the wallpaper. How it's currently setup is that both monitors are displaying the same wallpaper, but they both have different resolutions as they're different size monitors. So the smaller monitor has a somewhat squashed look to it. How can I fix this, and also is it possible for me to display one wallpaper across both screens? Thanks!
Dear Christine,
I have a two monitor display set up as well and it's one of the best things I've done to make using my computer more productive. I use a great free application called DisplayFusion to manage the wallpaper for my two screens. I really like how simple it is. To get DisplayFusion, download it from www.binaryfortress.com/displayfusion/ where they have versions for XP, Vista, and Windows 7. After installation access DisplayFusion from the System's Tray or from All Programs on the Start button.
From the DisplayFusion window, you have several options available to manage your wallpaper. You can choose to span an image across both monitors or to use a different image for each monitor. To adjust or change the wallpapers for each corresponding monitor, click on the graphical representation displayed by DisplayFusion. You can choose images from your computer, or from your Flickr account if you have one. If you are still having trouble with the squashed resolution on the smaller monitor, adjust the "Size Mode:" setting.
Hope this helps you out!
PC Doctor
Until next time… happy computing!
Posted: to Athol Library News on Mon, Jun 27, 2011
Updated: Mon, Jun 27, 2011