PC Doctor July 14, 2011

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Dear PC Doctor,

What is Google+? One of my friends changed his profile picture on Facebook so it says that he's gone to Google+. How can I get it too?


Dear Jose,

Google+ is a new social network created by Google! It just came out this past week so there's been a big buzz about it.  Currently you cannot get onto it as it is in the testing stage at the moment.   And you have to be invited to join. 

Simply put, Google+ is very much like Facebook. Your main page is a stream of all your friends' statuses, shared items and images. It's currently less cluttered than Facebook as there are no games to be played, no ads, no fan pages, and no pokes (sorry if pokes are a deal-breaker!) Google+ has quite a few cool features so far. You can create groups of friends called “circles” There's one for family, friends, acquaintances or coworkers. When you go to create a new status or share something, you can choose exactly who sees it and who doesn't. Everything's integrated with other Google services such as Reader and Gmail. Overall, I personally like Google+ much more than Facebook due to its simple interface that's easy to use. 

Sadly, it's not completely open to anyone yet, thus even if you're lucky enough to get an invite for an account; probably many of your friends won't be on there yet. However, they'll probably open it up soon so I'm pretty sure it will continue to grow. Meanwhile, check out the preview at plus.google.com

            PC Doctor

Dear PC Doctor,

Somehow I messed up my iTunes. I uninstalled iTunes, but after installing it, none of my old music was there anymore! Do I have to buy all my music all over again?


Dear Lance,

I doubt you deleted all your music. It just sounds like iTunes doesn't know where to find your music. All you music is stored somewhere on your computer's hard drive. Generally, your music is stored in the Music folder inside Libraries (for Windows 7) or on Windows XP it's called “My Music” instead.  iTunes generally looks in the likely spots for your music collection, however sometimes it just can't find your music so you’ll have to find it yourself and direct it.

Open up iTunes and click File in the upper left corner of the window. Click on Add Folder to Library, and then navigate to the folder that contains all your music. If you're not sure, try your Music folder. Select the folder and click OK. Hopefully you'll soon see your music being added to your library. Depending on how much music you have it might take a while. You might need to log into your iTunes account before you're able to play songs that you downloaded from iTunes. (FYI, if you ever download a song not from iTunes and want to add it to your iTunes Library, click on File, then Add File to Library and then add the song from there. Tada! It'll be in your library).

            PC Doctor

Until next time... happy computing!

Posted: to Athol Library News on Mon, Jul 18, 2011
Updated: Tue, Jul 19, 2011