Volunteers Needed for Community Reading Day 2011!

Read aloud to elementary or middle school students!

The Athol Public Library is looking for volunteers to read in the local elementary schools and at the Athol-Royalston Middle School on


Library staff member Anne Cutler-Russo is enthusiastic about the book choice for this year at the middle school: The Bat Scientists.

The event will take place on Monday, November 14 in the elementary schools and on Tuesday, November 15 at the middle school.

Readers will be provided with copies of the books which have been selected and a packet of information and suggestions for reading. 

Anyone who is interested in reading should call Jean Shaughnessy, Anne Cutler-Russo, or Karen McNiff at the library at 978-249-9515

Posted: to Athol Library News on Fri, Oct 21, 2011
Updated: Fri, Oct 21, 2011