PC Doctor November 7, 2011

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Dear PC Doctor,

I have a Dell Inspiron 530s with Vista. At some websites, I get a message box that says STACK OVERFLOW AT LINE 104. It is hard to get rid of when it pops up. Any suggestions?


Dear Richard,

I've encountered this problem myself in the past but I could never find an easy fix. However, I've heard that clearing the browser cache and cookies might work out for you.

If you're running Internet Explorer 7, click on Tools in the menu bar. From the drop-down menu, click on Internet Options. Click on “Browsing history” and click Delete. To delete your cache, cookies and history, click Delete Files, Delete Cookies and Delete History. Click Close and OK to close the window. Finally close Internet Explorer and open it up again.

For Internet Explorer 8, click the Safety menu in the upper right of the window. Next, click on Delete Browsing History. Unclick “Preserve Favorites website data” and choose “Temporary Internet Files, Cookies and History” instead. Click Delete, close the window, and restart Internet Explorer.

If this still doesn't solve your problem, the issue maybe more serious. A complete reinstall of your operating system might be in order. Windows 7 would be a great update from Vista and you may want to have a professional perform this update for you.

            PC Doctor

Dear PC Doctor,

I recently started using Mozilla Firefox as my main web browser. I have a lot of bookmarks on my desktop that I visit daily. When I double click on them to the websites, they still open up in Internet Explorer instead of Firefox.  Is there way to make them open automatically in Firefox?


Dear Kelly,

Your computer seems to have Internet Explorer set up as your default web browser, which happens to be the setting for most Windows computers. While that may sound daunting, it's an easy fix! No need to bother with Internet Explorer; start off by opening up Firefox. Depending on your version of Firefox, it might look a bit different. (Firefox 4 just came out recently, try it if you haven't yet!).  Click on Tools in the Menu bar at the top of your screen. Click on “Options” to open the settings window. From there, click on the “Advanced” tab at the top of the window. At the bottom of the window, there is a selection labeled: “Always check to see if Firefox is the default browser on startup”.  If the little box isn't checked, check it. Next click on the “Check Now” button. Firefox will ask if you'd like to make it the default browser. Click yes. Next, click “OK” on the Options window. All set! Enjoy an Internet Explorer-free browsing experience. All of the bookmarked icons on your desktop should now open in Firefox.

            PC Doctor


Until next time… happy computing!