Program: Audio books, large print books, and you; who knew? Learn how you can get free audiobooks!
Tuesday December 13, 2011, 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
"Audio books, large print books, and you; who knew?"
Learn how you can get free audiobooks!
Tuesday December 13, 2011
11:00 AM to 12:00 PM
In the library's Activities Room
If you or someone you love has difficulty reading print for more than ten minutes, you may be eligible to receive free audio books and large print materials (including newspapers!) by mail.
Barbara Figurski, Outreach Librarian of the Worcester Talking Book Library, will give a (very) brief presentation on this free, Federal program.
The free audio and large print book service is open to children and adults.
Visit and choose the 'Talking book' link for more information.
Free & open to the public.
No registration necessary.