PC Doctor December 22, 2011

Have your computer questions answered here! Search the PC Doctor archive or submit a question of your own at info@athollibrary.org

Dear PC Doctor,

        What does the file HPMSGSVC.exe do? It came preloaded on my Compaq Presario CQ62 laptop. It uses over 90% of the processor time (as reported by the task manager) causing other processes to run slowly. Can I remove this? If so, how?

Dear Jean,

        Great question! I wasn't sure what the process was so I had to search online for it. Many other people have requested information about this process and why it's slowing down their computer as well. HPMSGSVC.exe is the process for a Hewett Packard piece of software called HP Quick Launch Buttons. I'm not sure why it uses up so much processing power, but you can remove easily and it won't affect anything else (besides speeding up your computer, that is!)

        First, click on the Start Orb, then type MSCONFIG into the search bar and press enter. This will fire up Microsoft's System Configuration Utility. Switch to the “Start up” tab at the top at the window. You'll see a list of programs that are set up to run whenever your computer is turned on. Sometimes either pre-installed programs like HP Quick Launch Buttons add themselves to the start up. All you need to do is look through the list, find the software and uncheck it. While you're at it, you might also want to uncheck any other programs that are unnecessary. However, only uncheck programs that you are sure are optional. If you're not sure, just leave it checked. When done, click OK and restart your computer when it asks you if you want to. Booting up should be much faster and your computer should run faster overall!

Good luck!  

            PC Doctor

Dear PC Doctor,

          I recently got an iPod for my birthday, so I downloaded iTunes so I could sync my music. I already have some songs on my computer that I'd like to put on my iPod, but I don't know how to get them there since they don't show up in iTunes. Do I have to buy the songs in iTunes to play on my iPod?

Dear Ashley,

      No, you don't need to rebuy those songs to get them into your iTunes. You can actually buy mp3's anywhere, say at Amazon.com and import those into your iTunes Library to sync to your iPod. Sometimes iTunes needs a little guidance with finding the music that's already on your computer. Fire up iTunes and click on File. From there, select “Add Folder to Library”. A new window will pop-up; from there navigate to the location of your music. (hint: it's probably in your “My Music” folder) Don't worry if that folder is filled with many folders of music. Just select the folder holding all the music and click “Import”. iTunes is smart enough to search and reorganize the music into albums in your Library. Depending on how much music is being imported, it should only take a minute or two. Once finished, plug in your iPod and sync your music!

Buying your music in iTunes is great, since it will automatically adds the new music to your Library. When you get mp3's from other vendors, you just have to be sure to import them to add them to your iTunes Library, and thus sync to your iPod.

            PC Doctor

Until  next time…happy computing!

Posted: to Athol Library News on Thu, Dec 22, 2011
Updated: Thu, Dec 22, 2011