Monday, August 23 at Noon.
Our 6th annual “what have you been reading” roundtable is happening on Monday, August 23 at noon, at the library. We’ll also be making the meeting available online via Zoom – just in case you want or need to attend virtually. Registration isn’t required, but it is helpful if we have an idea of how many folks are coming. If you want to join via Zoom, please email Robin B at for the login information.
Lets talk about our direction for this coming season and what we’ll be reading in September. Each month will have a different theme and each month we’ll vote on what we’re going to read. Don’t worry, it’s easy! All you need to do is follow this link:
For September we chose the theme – but we’re going to let you vote on which book we read. Curious? Follow the link above to find out what the theme is and cast your vote. The whole thing will only take a few minutes – promise!
We will be keeping our eye on the latest COVID news. As of today at the library, masks are not required, but encouraged for everyone. We’ll let you know if anything changes. We’re looking forward to seeing you soon and hearing about all the books you read this summer!
Registration form:
Super short survey:
Posted: to Athol Library News on Wed, Aug 18, 2021
Updated: Fri, Aug 20, 2021