Booked for Lunch October Selection

The Gifted School by Bruce Holsinger, Monday, October 25 at Noon.

Booked for Lunch is ready for fall and The Gifted School is the standout winner of our October “dramedy” survey! Nearly half of you who voted chose this 2019 satirical comedy from Bruce Holsinger.

If you weren’t at our September meeting – we missed you. If you were, so great to see you! It was quite a treat having so many of us gathered together at the library. We used our new Meeting Owl, a nifty piece of technology that does a great job of making our friends who joined via Zoom actually feel like part of the group.

The folks at Penguin Random House have this to say about The Gifted School: “Smart and juicy, a compulsively readable novel about a previously happy group of friends and parents that is nearly destroyed by their own competitiveness when an exclusive school for gifted children opens in the community. This deliciously sharp novel captures the relentless ambitions and fears that animate parents and their children in modern America, exploring the conflicts between achievement and potential, talent and privilege.

Set in the fictional town of Crystal, Colorado, The Gifted School is a keenly entertaining novel that observes the drama within a community of friends and parents as good intentions and high ambitions collide in a pile-up with long-held secrets and lies. Seen through the lens of four families who've been a part of one another's lives since their kids were born over a decade ago, the story reveals not only the lengths that some adults are willing to go to get ahead, but the effect on the group's children, sibling relationships, marriages, and careers, as simmering resentments come to a boil and long-buried, explosive secrets surface and detonate. It's a humorous, keenly observed, timely take on ambitious parents, willful kids, and the pursuit of prestige, no matter the cost.”

Join Robin Brz. on Monday, October 25 at noon either in person at the library or on line via Zoom for a thought provoking discussion of this novel that author J. Courtney Sullivan calls, “Wise and addictive, a suspenseful, laugh-out-loud page-turner and an incisive inspection of privilege, race and class.” Copies of the book are available now at the adult circulation desk. Digital editions are also available for download on Libby or Overdrive. Registration is not required, but strongly encouraged! Drop-ins are welcome as space allows. Register online, or email Robin at

Register Here:

Posted: to Athol Library News on Tue, Sep 28, 2021
Updated: Tue, Sep 28, 2021