Latest materials for children at the Athol Public Library!
The following new materials are available for check out from the Children’s Room at the Athol Public Library:
Amavisca, Luis - No Water No Bread
Astley, Neville - Peppa Pig and the Lost Christmas
Bachelet, Giles - Mrs. White Rabbit
Bate, Helen - The Creature
Borden, Terry - Merry Christmas, Peanut!
Boynton, Sandra - Hog Wild!
Buitrago, Jairo - Walk With Me
Cali, Davide - The Call of the Swamp
Chung, Arree - Out!
Cuyler, Margery - Bonaparte Falls Apart
Dean, James - Pete the Cat and the Lost Tooth
DeStefano, Anthony - Little Star
Dewdney, Anna - Llama Llama Gives Thanks
Dewin, Howie - The Official Minion Manual
Dyckman, Ame - Read the Book, Lemmings!
Fallon, Jimmy - Your Baby’s First Word Will Be DaDa
Freeman, Don - A Rainbow of My Own
Goldstyn, Jacques - Letters to a Prisoner
Green, Rebecca - How to Make Friends With a Ghost
Hecht, Tracey - The Nocturnals: The Moonlight Meeting
Idle, Molly - Santa Rex
Katz, Karen - Where is Baby’s Turkey?
L’Arronge, Lilli - Me Tall, You Small
Lehman, Barbara - Red Again
Marler, Jerilyn - Lilly Hates Goodbyes
Marsham, Liz - Spider-Man: The Ultimate Spider-Man
Maruyama, Yoko - Little Santa
Morris, Jennifer - May I Please Have a Cookie?
Parr, Todd - I Love Camp
Pizzoli, Greg - The 12 Days of Christmas
Rabe, Tim - Cooking With the Grinch
Rylant, Cynthia - Herbert’s First Halloween
Rylant, Cynthia - Nativity
Sakai, Komako - The Lost Kitten
Shealy, D.R. - Green Lantern vs. The Meteor Monster!
Swenson, Jamie - Meet Wood and Quack
Topek, Susan - A Holiday For Noah
Van Biesen, Koen - Roger is Going Fishing
Vere, Ed - Max and Bird
Willems, Mo - It’s Shoe Time!
Yoshitake, Shinsuke - Still Stuck
Bartok, Mira - The Wonderling
Elliott, Rebecca - The Wildwood Bakery
Flintham, Thomas - Press Start! Super Rabbit Racers
Grabenstein, Chris - Mr. Lemoncello’s Great Library Race
Jones, Pip - Squishy McFluff: The Invisible Cat!
Jones, Pip - Squishy McFluff The Invisible Cat: Supermarket Sweep
McKay, Hilary - Binny Bewitched
Northrop, Michael - Tombquest: Book of the Dead
Northrop, Michael - Tombquest: Amulet Keepers
Northrop, Michael - Tombquest: Valley of Kings
Northrop, Michael - Tombquest: The Stone Warriors
Northrop, Michael - Tombquest: The Final Kingdom
Tamaki, Markiko - Lumberjanes: Unicorn Power
Tan, Susan - Cilla Lee-Jenkins Future Author Extraordinaire
Twain, Mark - The Purloining of Prince Oleomargarine
Vivat, Booki - Frazzled Ordinary Mishaps and Inevitable Catastrophies
Gudsnuk, Kristen - Henchgirl
O’Neill, Katie - The Tea Dragon Society
Ancona, George - Boys Dancing
Boothroyd, Jennifer - Inside the US Air Force
Boothroyd, Jennifer - Inside the Army
Boothroyd, Jennifer - Inside the US Marine Corps
Boothroyd, Jennifer - Inside the US Navy
Bow, James - Energy From Earth’s Core
Burcaw, Shane - Not So Different: What You Really Want to Ask About Having a Disability
Crossley-Holland, Kevin - Norse Myths: Tales of Odin, Thor, and Loki
Dickmann, Nancy - Fracking
Jankeliowitch, Anne - Kids Who Are Changing the World
Hegarty, Patricia - Animal Journeys
Ridley, Kimberly - The Secret Pool
Sipi, Claire - Ninjogo Character Encyclopedia
Walden, Libby - In Focus
Weakland, Mark - Gut Bugs, Dust Mites & Other Microorganisms You Can’t Live Without
Copeland, Misty - Misty Copeland: Life In Motion
Bubble Guppies: Sunny Days
Cars 3
Nut Job 2: Nutty By Nature
Cars 3
Nut Job 2: Nutty By Nature
Posted: to Athol Library News on Wed, Nov 29, 2017
Updated: Thu, Nov 30, 2017