New Children’s Materials November 30, 2017

Latest materials for children at the Athol Public Library!

The following new materials are available for check out from the Children’s Room at the Athol Public Library:


Amavisca, Luis - No Water No Bread

Astley, Neville - Peppa Pig and the Lost Christmas

Bachelet, Giles - Mrs. White Rabbit

Bate, Helen - The Creature

Borden, Terry - Merry Christmas, Peanut!

Boynton, Sandra - Hog Wild!

Buitrago, Jairo - Walk With Me

Cali, Davide - The Call of the Swamp

Chung, Arree - Out!

Cuyler, Margery - Bonaparte Falls Apart

Dean, James - Pete the Cat and the Lost Tooth

DeStefano, Anthony - Little Star

Dewdney, Anna - Llama Llama Gives Thanks

Dewin, Howie - The Official Minion Manual

Dyckman, Ame - Read the Book, Lemmings!

Fallon, Jimmy - Your Baby’s First Word Will Be DaDa

Freeman, Don - A Rainbow of My Own

Goldstyn, Jacques - Letters to a Prisoner

Green, Rebecca - How to Make Friends With a Ghost

Hecht, Tracey - The Nocturnals: The Moonlight Meeting

Idle, Molly - Santa Rex

Katz, Karen - Where is Baby’s Turkey?

L’Arronge, Lilli - Me Tall, You Small

Lehman, Barbara - Red Again

Marler, Jerilyn - Lilly Hates Goodbyes

Marsham, Liz - Spider-Man: The Ultimate Spider-Man

Maruyama, Yoko - Little Santa

Morris, Jennifer - May I Please Have a Cookie?

Parr, Todd - I Love Camp

Pizzoli, Greg - The 12 Days of Christmas

Rabe, Tim - Cooking With the Grinch

Rylant, Cynthia - Herbert’s First Halloween

Rylant, Cynthia - Nativity

Sakai, Komako - The Lost Kitten

Shealy, D.R. - Green Lantern vs. The Meteor Monster!

Swenson, Jamie - Meet Wood and Quack

Topek, Susan - A Holiday For Noah

Van Biesen, Koen - Roger is Going Fishing

Vere, Ed - Max and Bird

Willems, Mo - It’s Shoe Time!

Yoshitake, Shinsuke - Still Stuck


Bartok, Mira - The Wonderling

Elliott, Rebecca - The Wildwood Bakery

Flintham, Thomas - Press Start! Super Rabbit Racers

Grabenstein, Chris - Mr. Lemoncello’s Great Library Race

Jones, Pip - Squishy McFluff: The Invisible Cat!

Jones, Pip - Squishy McFluff The Invisible Cat: Supermarket Sweep

McKay, Hilary - Binny Bewitched

Northrop, Michael - Tombquest: Book of the Dead

Northrop, Michael - Tombquest: Amulet Keepers

Northrop, Michael - Tombquest: Valley of Kings

Northrop, Michael - Tombquest: The Stone Warriors

Northrop, Michael - Tombquest: The Final Kingdom

Tamaki, Markiko - Lumberjanes: Unicorn Power

Tan, Susan - Cilla Lee-Jenkins Future Author Extraordinaire

Twain, Mark - The Purloining of Prince Oleomargarine

Vivat, Booki - Frazzled Ordinary Mishaps and Inevitable Catastrophies


Gudsnuk, Kristen - Henchgirl

O’Neill, Katie - The Tea Dragon Society


Ancona, George - Boys Dancing

Boothroyd, Jennifer - Inside the US Air Force

Boothroyd, Jennifer - Inside the Army

Boothroyd, Jennifer - Inside the US Marine Corps

Boothroyd, Jennifer - Inside the US Navy

Bow, James - Energy From Earth’s Core

Burcaw, Shane - Not So Different: What You Really Want to Ask About Having a Disability

Crossley-Holland, Kevin - Norse Myths: Tales of Odin, Thor, and Loki

Dickmann, Nancy - Fracking

Jankeliowitch, Anne - Kids Who Are Changing the World

Hegarty, Patricia - Animal Journeys

Ridley, Kimberly - The Secret Pool

Sipi, Claire - Ninjogo Character Encyclopedia

Walden, Libby - In Focus

Weakland, Mark - Gut Bugs, Dust Mites & Other Microorganisms You Can’t Live Without


Copeland, Misty - Misty Copeland: Life In Motion


Bubble Guppies: Sunny Days

Cars 3


Nut Job 2: Nutty By Nature


Cars 3

Nut Job 2: Nutty By Nature

Posted: to Athol Library News on Wed, Nov 29, 2017
Updated: Thu, Nov 30, 2017