PC Doctor June 5, 2012

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Dear PC Doctor,

I want to set up a system restore on my computer, but I am just a little scared that I will screw things up and not do it right. If I revert back to the restore point, does it get rid of anything that I have on my computer after I make the save. Will it get rid of programs? Just how do I set up a system restore point?

Dear Jim,

A system restore is used to bring a computer back to a previous state of operation (or configuration). What System Restore does is take a daily save point of your computer's settings, installed programs, and current configuration. It will then save these save points for potential future use. The exact purpose or the reason behind utilizing one of these snapshots is in case something goes wrong with your current configuration. You then have the ability to revert back to one of your save points (an old configuration) where everything was fine. You will lose any changes you made after you took that save points, including new programs you have installed, computer updates, or computer settings. However, personal data, such as documents, pictures, emails, and etc. will NOT be removed.

Here is an example. Say a virus has been installed on your computer, and you cannot get rid of it. You can use System Restore to revert back to exactly how your computer was configured in one of your save points before the virus hit. The installed virus, since it was not part of that save point, will be removed.

Here is how you set up a System Restore: Click Start. Select: All Programs > Accessories > System Tools // Click System Restore // Choose "Restore my computer to an earlier time" then click Next. // Select a day on the calendar, a restore point description, and then click Next. From here, running the System Restore is straightforward, just follow the prompts.
                 PC Doctor
Until next time… happy computing!

Posted: to Athol Library News on Tue, Jun 5, 2012
Updated: Tue, Jun 5, 2012