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Dear PC Doctor:
I hate having to use a user name and password for everything. Logging in takes time, and it feels like a road block to getting work done. I even have to log in to my own computer every time I turn it on. Is there any way to bypass this? When I first set up my computer, there wasn’t any way to just not have a password, or I’d have done that. I have a desktop iMac, and I just updated it to the latest OS.
Dear Len:
You are right, the log in screen always appears when you turn on your computer. Requiring a password is a safety feature that prevents others from accessing your desktop and files. However, if you are the only person who ever uses your computer, and you feel safe doing so, you can set your computer to automatically log in. Here’s how:
Open System Preferences, then User & Groups, and Login Options. Turn on Automatic Login – select your user name and click OK. Now, when you turn your computer on, it will log in automatically. If you’re using the computer and you select Log Out, however, you will have to enter your log in credentials again to access your files.
I hope this helps!
Until next time,
Happy computing!
PC Doctor
Editor's Note: Questions should be directed to PC Doctor, care of the Athol Public Library, info@athollibrary.org or Athol Public Library, 568 Main St., Athol, Mass. 01331, or dropped off at the library
Posted: to Athol Library News on Mon, Apr 18, 2022
Updated: Mon, Apr 25, 2022