PC Doctor October 25, 2012

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Dear PC Doctor:

A few times now, I have been working on typing a document in Microsoft Word.  Sometimes I do not notice a typo until after I have gone on for a bit.  When I click after the typo, backspace the mistake and then try to type, the new letters delete the letters that are in front of it!  It is as if it is backspacing forwards when I type anything new in.  What is making this happen and why does it only happen sometimes? 


Dear Rhonda,

Aha, this is a predicament that I have been in many a time.  The source of your problem lies with the key on your keyboard that is usually to the right of your backspace key. It is the “Insert” key.  You may be accidentally pressing the key without realizing it, thus making it seem like a random occurrence.  Unlike the Caps Lock being on, Insert does not turn a little light on that displays on your keyboard. 

At the bottom of the frame of Microsoft Word, there is a box that usually contains the letters “INSRT”.  If Insert has been pressed, it will instead say “OVER”.  That is one way of immediately tell if it has been turned on.  Thankfully, if it does happen, you should not have to worry about retyping if you have run over the text you want to keep.  Just click “Edit”, then “Undo” to return to your former state, or just hold down CTRL while tapping Z.  Insert is a handy way to backspace in reverse.  It may seem a bit awkward, but in some situations, such as computer coding, it is a handy way to move around fast and to make quick changes. 

                      PC Doctor

Until next time… happy computing!

Posted: to Athol Library News on Thu, Oct 25, 2012
Updated: Thu, Oct 25, 2012