Uniquely Quabbin Art Show Reception
May 21 from 5:00 - 8:00 pm
Food, drink, and music
Join us from 5:00 - 8:00 pm on Tuesday, May 21, for an exhibition of art and photography by contributors to Uniquely Quabbin magazine. Myra MacLeod will provide background music on her violin and refreshments will include delicious offerings from Quabbin Harvest Food Co-op.
The exhibition celebrates the 25th issue of Uniquely Quabbin magazine and continues through the end of July. Contributing artists include, from Athol, David Brothers, Linda Ruel Flynn, and Robert Osborne; from Leverett, Louise Minks; from Pelham, Gillian Haven; from Orange, Emily Boughton, Susan Marshall, and Amber Robidoux; from Petersham, Candace Anderson, Ken Levine, and Abigail Rorer; from Royalston, Sonja Vaccari; from Rutland, Elizabeth Callahan. Participating photographers include, from Athol, Brothers, Rick Flematti, James Flynn, and Mitchell R. Grosky; from New Salem, Sue Cloutier and Dale Monette; from Petersham, John Burk.
Attendees will have the opportunity to purchase art and photography directly from the creators on Tuesday night; following the opening, those wishing to purchase work may contact them directly. Commissions of thirty percent will go to the magazine and of ten percent to the Friends of the Athol Public Library.
This event is free and open to the public.