Nature Journaling
Monday, July 22 at 9:00 am
Join members of the North Central Massachusetts Nature Journaling Collaborative for this fun morning!
We'll start at the Millers River Environmental Center at 9:00 am, where we'll learn a little about nature journaling and make a fun journal out of recycled materials. Then we'll head next door to the Alan Rich Park for a walk and nature journaling activities.
Limited to 15 people. Children, teens, and adults are welcome. Children 14 and under should bring an adult.
Please dress for the weather and bring your own water, if desired.
Registration is required.
Free and open to the public. All materials provided.
In case of rain, we will explore the collections inside the Millers River Environmental Center and journal there.
Leading this workshop will be Cathy Szal and Katrina Walton.
Cathy Szal is an aquatic biologist, a former elementary school science teacher, and a nature journalist who enjoys trips with the North Central Mass. Nature Journal Club.
Katrina Walton is an elementary science teacher at The Village School in Royalston, Mass. and the founder of the North Central Mass. Nature Journal Club.