The Athol Public Library and North Quabbin Citizen Advocacy present Valuing Lives

Film Screening, Tuesday, 3/6/18 from 6:00 - 7:00 p.m.

The Athol Public Library and North Quabbin Citizen Advocacy present

Valuing Lives

Film Screening

Tuesday, March 6

6:00 -7:00 pm

Discussion to follow

Join us for Valuing Lives, a documentary about Wolfe Wolfensberger, a professor and change agent who triggered the paradigm shift in the 1970's popularizing and expanding the principle of normalization for persons with developmental disabilities.

Through archival images and footage, and dozens of interviews, Valuing Lives explores the principle of normalization, an idea that challenged our fundamental assumptions about people with intellectual disabilities, and the iconoclastic professor whose intense, multi-day workshops trained thousands of human services professionals in the theory and practice of this idea.

There will be some students of Dr. Wolfenberger on hand to facilitate a discussion.

The movie is 50 minutes.

For more information about Valuing Lives, please visit

Made possible by a collaboration between the Friends of the Athol Public Library and North Quabbin Citizen Advocacy.

North Quabbin Citizen Advocacy (NQCA) is a not-for-profit association to develop and support relationships for people who will benefit from guidance, companionship, and/or advocacy. In each relationship, one partner (the protégé) has a mental disability or disorder. The other partner (the advocate) has skills and interests that match the needs and interests of their disabled friend. For more information about NQCA, please visit|

Free and open to the public.

Light refreshments, made possible by the Friends of the Athol Public Library.

Please register by calling (978) 249-9515.