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Dear PC Doctor:
A friend e-mailed me a file in an Adobe Acrobat PDF format. I want to post it on Facebook, but it needs to be converted to a jpg. How do I do that?
Sincerely, Ella
Dear Ella:
Converting an Adobe Acrobat PDF file to a jpg image, or extracting a section of the PDF document and saving it as a JPG takes only a few steps. You can either convert the entire page to a jpg or take a snapshot of an area on the page, say a chart or picture. The best tools for this job are right inside of the Acrobat reader.
Use the "snapshot tool." You can activate it by clicking on the icon that looks like a little camera. If you do not see the snapshot tool icon, you will need to add it to your Acrobat toolbar. To do this, right click on the toolbar and a menu will drop down. In some versions, you will find the snapshot tool in the “Edit” pull-down menu. Click on the "snapshot tool" icon to activate it.
You can then use the snapshot tool to outline any piece of the document you wish to make a copy of. It can be images or text.
Click "CTRL C" to copy the image.
You can also select the entire page by simply clicking on the page you want, then "CTRL A" and "CTRL C" to copy it to your clipboard.
Open your image-editing program. It can be MS Paint, Gimp, or any other program you like. Microsoft Office Publisher works, too.
Paste the copied image into your image editor by clicking "CTRL V" or by using the edit menu.
Save it as a .jpg or whatever file extension you choose. That's it!
Until next time… Happy Computing!
PC Doctor
Posted: to Athol Library News on Fri, Sep 13, 2013
Updated: Fri, Sep 13, 2013