Program: Moths, Ants, and Carnivorous Pitcher Plants: A Little Shop of Horrors in Our Own Back Yard

Presented by Harvard Forest researcher Aaron Ellison

April 12th

1:00 - 3:00

Athol Public Library * 568 Main Street * Athol

Please call 978.249.9515 to reserve your seat!

Learn About:

  • the diversity of carnivorous plants,
  • why scientists care about them enough to spend valuable grant funds (and your tax dollars) on learning about them, and
  • how to protect and conserve these unique plants at home and around the world.

Harvard Forest researcher Aaron Ellison has been studying carnivorous plants and the insects they eat for 15 years. There are hundreds of species of these fascinating plants throughout the world, and at least 10 species of carnivorous plants can be found here in the North Quabbin.

Posted: to Athol Library News on Tue, Mar 30, 2010
Updated: Mon, Mar 29, 2010