Adult Summer Reading 2019!

Because grown-ups like to have fun, too!


The Athol Public Library will, once again, offer an Adult Summer Reading program, with plenty of opportunities for the over 18 crowd to celebrate reading and win prizes. Here’s how it works - (It’s simple!):

  • Beginning on June 24, sign up for Adult Summer Reading and get your Universe of Stories bookmark
  • Read anything you like!
  • Put the book title on a star and add it to our display
  • Each time you finish a book, tell a member of the library staff and receive a raffle ticket
  • Each Friday, a lucky library patron will win a gift card to a local business.

We’ll draw nine winners over the course of the summer! The more you read, the more chances you’ll have to win!

We also encourage you to take pictures of yourself and your family reading! Tag them #athollibrary and #universeofstories and share to facebook and instagram!

Summer 2019 adult handout page 1_custom

Posted: to Athol Library News on Tue, Jun 11, 2019
Updated: Thu, Jun 13, 2019