Tuesday, September 16 at 6:00 p.m.
Athol Public Library
568 Main Street, Athol
Program Room
When you're on line, what information is being collected about you? Should you be concerned? What should you do?
Every mouse click, every keystroke, and every tablet or smart phone selection that we make helps data collectors paint a picture about who we are. The digital footprints that individuals quietly and slowly create with this data trail can be useful to everyone from retailers to health care professionals to the government.
During this interactive presentation, we will talk about the positive, negative, and uncertain implications of the era of Big Data, to include critical issues surrounding individual privacy and security. We will also discuss ways that individual web users can minimize their online footprint.
Presented by Ed Bayiates of the Merrimack Analysis Group. The MAG strives to increase citizens understanding of the way our actions in the virtual world impact other facets of our lives.
Free and Open to the Public.
Registration is requested.
Please call 978-249-9515 to reserve your spot.
This program is made possible by a grant from the Friends of the Athol Public Library.
Posted: to Athol Library News on Thu, Aug 28, 2014
Updated: Fri, Aug 29, 2014