New Materials September 17, 2009
Latest materials at the Athol Library!
SEPTEMBER 16, 2009
Brown, Dan The Lost Symbol
Doctorow, E.L. Homer and Langley
Francis, Dick Even Money
Gregory, Philippa The White Queen
Kenyon, Sherrilyn Bad Moon Rising
Kinsella, Sophie Twenties Girl
Lindsay, Jeffrey Dexter by Design
Moore, Lorrie A Gate at the Stairs
Patterson, James Alex Cross's Trial
Patterson, Richard North The Spire
Silva, Daniel The Defector
Balz, Daniel The Battle for America, 2008
Brumberg, Joan Jacobs The Body Project: An Intimate History of American Girls
Caughman, Susan You Can Adopt: an Adoptive Families Guide
Conway, J. North King of Heists: the Sensational Bank Robbery of 1878 that Shocked America
Covello, Joseph The Complete Book of Business Plans
DeThomas, Art Writing a Convincing Business Plan
Katz, Jon Soul of a Dog: Reflections on the Spirits of the Animals of Bedlam Farm
Kidder, Tracy Strength in What Remains
Koontz, Dean A Big Little Life: A Memoir of a Joyful Dog
Mantovani, Roberto Everest: The History of the Himalayan Giant
O'Reilly, Bill The No Spin Zone
Pritzker, Barry Ansel Adams
Spitz, Bob Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!: the Beatles, Beatlemania, and the Music That Changed the World
Barrett, Lorna Bookmarked for Death
Brightwell, Emily Mrs. Jeffries in the Nick of Time
Brown, Carolyn To Commit
Brown, Carolyn To Trust
Davidson, Diane Mott Fatally Flaky
Louise, Sharol Secret Bride
Macomber, Debbie 92 Pacific Boulevard
Michaels, Fern The Scoop
Wingate, Lisa The Summer Kitchen
Cain, Chelsea Evil at Heart
Reichs, Kathy 206 Bones
Burke, James Lee Rain Gods
Cook, Robin Intervention
Martini, Steve Guardian of Lies
17 Again
Brothers and Sisters, Season 3
CSI: Crime Season Investigation, Season 8
Dexter, Season 3
Hannah Montana the Movie
House, Season 5
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles
Posted: to Athol Library News on Thu, Sep 17, 2009
Updated: Thu, Sep 17, 2009