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Dear PC Doctor:
I keep track of everything I read by writing reviews on goodreads.com. I recently was thinking how sad I’d be if I ever lost access to them. Is there any way to save them to my hard drive or back them up?
Thanks, Roxy
Dear Roxy:
Yes. Log in to your goodreads account as you always do. Click on “My Books.” Scroll all the way down, almost to the bottom of the page. Click “import/export.” On the right, you will see “Export Your Books - export to a csv file .“ Click “export to a csv file.” Goodreads will export to your desktop a table (like a spreadsheet) that contains all of the information in your goodreads. It’s not very elegant or easy to read, but it is all there.
Another thing you can do is set up a Blogger or Wordpress blog (both currently still free), and export each of your reviews to the blog.This provides an easy to read back up that can also be printed in a readable format.To do this, scroll down on your “My Books” page again, this time choosing “widgets.” When you get to the widgets page, click on the “apps” tab.The Blogger/Wordpress box is on the bottom right.Click there and follow the on screeninstructions.
Until next time …Happy Computing!
PC Doctor
Posted: to Athol Library News on Fri, Oct 17, 2014
Updated: Tue, Oct 21, 2014