PC Doctor March 23, 2020

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Dear PC Doctor:

With the library closed to help slow the spread of COVID-19, I am unable to borrow new books to read and DVDs to watch. I am worried about running out! Do you have any advice for me?



Dear Working:

We have good news for you!

You can access digital books, movies, magazines, and audiobooks from the library catalog for free!

All you need is a cell phone number or your library card, an internet connection, and a device on which to view video or reading materials.

Start at the library’s web page: www.athollibrary.org

Choose Catalog from the horizontal menu just under the library’s banner photo.

In the wide blue bar at the bottom of the next page, select OverDrive Digital Catalog.

Across the top of the next page, you will see Subjects Collections Kindle Books Kids Teens Magazines.

Choose Collections. Click the collection category that you are interested in and start browsing. Any item that says Available across its top is available to borrow right now. Click Borrow to borrow it right away. Any item that says Wait List across the top is something on which you can place a hold and get notified when it is available. If you want to narrow your search to include only items that are available right now, click Advanced Search and choose Available now from the pull-down menu under Availability.

Follow the prompts to enter your cell phone number or library card number and PIN.

Browse and enjoy!

Editor's Note: Questions should be directed to PC Doctor, care of the Athol Public Library, info@athollibrary.org or Athol Public Library, 568 Main St., Athol, Mass. 01331, or dropped off at the library.

Posted: to Athol Library News on Mon, Mar 23, 2020
Updated: Mon, Mar 23, 2020