May Booked For Lunch Virtual Book Discussion!

Monday, May 18th at Noon.

Join Robin Brz. for this month's noontime book discussion. Read the novel of your choice by author Jodi Picoult and come to the meeting ready to talk about it. She has written more than 25 books featuring a wide range of "pulled from the headlines" subjects. Her writing style allows the reader to feel empathy for the characters and offers different views of challenging events. Even though we won't be talking about the same book there will definitely be plenty to talk about!

Booked for Lunch May 2020 for Website

EBooks and audio books can be downloaded using either Libby or Overdrive. Let us know if you need help!

You can join the meeting using your computer, tablet, smartphone or landline.

Registration is required. To sign up click here:

or email Robin at

Posted: to Athol Library News on Thu, May 7, 2020
Updated: Thu, May 7, 2020