PC Doctor June 22, 2020
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Dear PC Doctor:
Due to COVID-19, work that I used to do in person is now being done via video. I’ve uploaded to YouTube some of the video productions that I have made, but I’m not ready for them to be widely available. I have a few close associates that I would like to have review and critique them before they go public. What is the difference between keeping the YouTube videos private and keeping them unlisted?
Thanks so much,
Dear Len:
When you upload your videos to YouTube, you have the option of making them public, private, or unlisted. The YouTube Help Center defines them each this way:
Public videos can be seen by anyone at YouTube. They can also be shared with anyone using YouTube. They're posted on your channel when you upload them and show up in search results and related video lists.
Private videos and playlists can only be seen by you and the people you choose. Your private videos won’t appear to others who visit the "Videos" tab of your channel page. They also won't show up in YouTube's search results. YouTube systems and human reviewers may review private videos for ad suitability, copyright, and other abuse prevention mechanisms.
Unlisted videos and playlists can be seen and shared by anyone with the link. Your unlisted videos won’t appear to others who visit the "Videos" tab of your channel page. They won't show up in YouTube's search results unless someone adds your unlisted video to a public playlist.
You can share an unlisted video's URL with other people. The people you share the video with don't need a Google account to see the video. Anyone with the link can also re-share it.
To share a private video: Sign in to YouTube Studio. From the left menu, select Videos. Click the video you’d like to edit. Hover over OPTIONS and select Share privately. Enter the email addresses of people you'd like to share your video with, then select SAVE.
Comments are not available on private videos. If you want to allow comments on a video that's not publicly available, change the privacy setting to unlisted.
You can change the settings for any of your videos at any time by following these steps: Sign in to YouTube Studio. From the left menu, select Videos. Hover over the video you'd like to update. To see your live uploads, select the Live tab. Click the down arrow under "Visibility" and choose Public, Private, or Unlisted. Save.
I hope this helps!
Until next time,
Happy Computing!
PC Doctor
Editor's Note: Questions should be directed to PC Doctor, care of the Athol Public Library, info@athollibrary.org or Athol Public Library, 568 Main St., Athol, Mass. 01331, or dropped off at the library.