PC Doctor July 13, 2020

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Dear PC Doctor:

I’m trying to keep track of my income this year on a spreadsheet. I have each of my contracts listed and how much I expect to have come in with each job. Is there a way to keep a running total of the column of dollar amounts?

Thank you,


Dear Self Employed:

Yes. It is definitely possible to keep a running total of the values in your columns. You didn’t say which program you are using, so I’ll share instructions for Excel, Numbers, and Google Sheets.

In Excel, to sum a column of numbers, select the cell immediately below the last number in the column. To sum a row of numbers, select the cell immediately to the right. Then, in the menu in the green bar across the top, choose “Formulas” then “AutoSum” and hit the Enter key. The sum will appear in that cell.

If you are using Numbers, SUM is the formula you’ll want to use. To SUM a range of cells, choose an empty cell. In that cell, if you type SUM(A2:A15) and hit the Enter key, the sum of the numbers in cells A2 through A15 will appear in that cell. (You can do this with any range of cells; choose the row or column on your spreadsheet that has the values you wish to tally.)

In Google Sheets, select the cell immediately below the last number in the column. To sum a row of numbers, select the cell immediately to the right. In the menu across the top of your screen, click Insert, then Function, then Sum. While the cursor is blinking inside the Sum parentheses, click and drag to highlight the row or column that you wish to tally. Click Enter.

I hope this helps!

Until next time,

Happy Computing.

PC Doctor

Editor's Note: Questions should be directed to PC Doctor, care of the Athol Public Library, info@athollibrary.org or Athol Public Library, 568 Main St., Athol, Mass. 01331, or dropped off at the library

Posted: to Athol Library News on Mon, Jul 13, 2020
Updated: Mon, Jul 13, 2020