Virtual LEGO Club!

Monday, July 27 at 3:30 p.m. Please register using our google form.

virtual LEGO CLUB

Grab your LEGOs, Duplos, or whatever building blocks you have at home and meet us online every other Monday at 3:30! LEGO Club was the most popular program in the Children's Room, bringing families and friends together through a love of playing and building. Using the platform GoToMeeting, you'll be able to join us with your webcam or smartphone to see your friends and share what you're building.

This club is for kids ages 5-11 and their families.

To register, please fill out this Google Form. You'll receive a meeting link an hour or so before the club begins!

Our summer meeting dates are: July 27, August 10, and August 24.

Posted: to Athol Library News on Thu, Jul 23, 2020
Updated: Thu, Jul 23, 2020