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Dear PC Doctor:
I want to send my dad a link to a particular website. It has a really long URL. When I copy it from the address bar in my browser and paste it into the message for Dad, it breaks into several lines and they don’t form a good link when he opens the e-mail. What can I do? Is there any way to shorten the text I have to send Dad so he gets to the right website?
Dear Stacey:
Yes! You can use any one of many URL shorteners. They are all free.
Open whichever internet browser you like best. Do a search for “shorten URL.” The ones I am most familiar with are Google URL shortener, (https://goo.gl/), bitly, (https://bitly.com/), and TinyURL, (http://tinyurl.com/). They all work.
Click on whichever one you like. They each will show a window into which you will type your long URL. You can also copy it and then paste it in. The website will generate a shortened URL which you can test (just to be sure) and then copy and paste into e-mail correspondence. It’s very handy!
Until next time… Happy Computing!
PC Doctor
Posted: to Athol Library News on Fri, Jan 30, 2015
Updated: Fri, Jan 30, 2015